550 Jahre Glarner Schabziger
450 letterpress printed posters for a 550 years jubilee of a very smelly traditional Swiss cheese! You’ll love this cheese or totally hate it—there is not much more between that.
The design process started off by going through their archive of magnesium photoplates of old packagings. Another topic was to bring in the idea of an exposion of flavors. There is also a volcano fireworks in Switzerland, that is often called ‹Zigerstöckli›, like the cheese. So we have the old packaging, the explosion of flavours and the imitation of that volcano fireworks, which all matches perfect to this jubilee!
Client: Geska, Glarus
Format: 64×88cm, series of 3 posters
Paper: Pop’Set Black 240g/m2
Edition: 450 posters on a FAG Control 900
April 2013
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