Industrie- & Gewerbefilme
Follow up project for last years ‹Industriefilme› poster. For this poster I used screenshots from the actual industrial- and crafts-movies from the 1940ies and 1960ies.
The large and black letters symbolize the heavy industrial production in the shown movie about a village building a hydro-electric power plant in the 1960ies. On the other hand there is these colourful images, that symbolize the craftswork of some established shops in that same village in the 1940ies.
Client: Verein Glarner Industrieweg, Glarus
Format: 25.5×56cm
Paper: Chromolux Superweiss, 80g/m2 / 250g/m2
Edition: 519 posters on a FAG Control 900 and 405
April 2012
40CHF (Add to cart)