Schöne Scheisse

Concert poster for printed in 3 printruns from hand cut MDF boards and metal type.

When you start reading the poster in the straight-up orientation it reads ‹schöne› (which translates as ‹beautiful›). Then you start reading the small black concert information. About at the fifth paragraph it says ‹rotate the poster by 180 degrees›. Then you start reading the light brown letters say ‹Scheisse› (which translates as ‹shit›). In the Swiss german language this can be read in a positive way as ‹this is the shit!›. Or in a negative way like ‹What a piece of shit!›. Both possible. You decide. Printed in the shittiest brown tones on brown paper… haha.

Client: Veka-Glarus, Glarus
Format: 35×52.5cm
Paper: Sirio Color Bruno 115.m/m2
Edition: 500 posters on a FAG Control 405
August 2013